For me there’s nothing more fun to build in LEGO than a spaceship. I love the engines, the cockpit, the space minifigs, and that swooshing sound I can’t help making as I fly it around the house. I love LEGO spaceships!
So, since Valentine’s day is fast approaching I thought I’d channel some of that love into this all-red heart-shaped fighter:

The dual engines swivel independently for maneuverability and easy landing, it’s armed to the teeth with four underside cannons, and its small size and stealth geometry keeps it off enemy radars until it’s too late.
But a recent skirmish has left our intrepid and beautiful pilot, Capt. Val N. Tine, with an enemy rocket lodged in the fuselage! Can she make it back to base? Why didn’t the rocket explode? And will she discover her enemy attacker was actually her secret admirer, Q-Pid?
Enjoy some more pics:

Wanna see some more of my LEGO creations? Here’s a few you might like: