OK, you should all know the drill by now. Let’s do this thing:
I’m all about makeing you happy.
I’m all about spelling.
Wow!! You’re doing a great job coupling shitty drawn cartoons with incredibly unfunny jokes! You’re a real pro at this, I can tell you’ve been doing this for years and that you have a real knack for it. I would use for my website for sure, maybe then I can solve the problem of people visiting my site. Well at least you don’t have that problem! Not to knock your andertoons or diminish you genius, but I think a good cartoon would be of this guy at his desk all sad and agry saying, “I really suck and drawing and jokes”, that’d make a sweet toon. Well feel free to contact me, I’d like some personally made toons for me. BEST REGUARDS, Your pal, YOU SUCK!!!!
Note to self: work harder to please angry loner demographic.
I’m managing online promotions for the DVD release of the hit Cartoon Network show Pet Alien. Two themed DVDs – Pet Alien: Atomic Tommy and
Pet Alien: Aliens Unleashed – have just been released and each features four wacky episodes of this family-friendly animated series.
We’ve created a fun microsite, http://www.buzztone.com/fox/petalien/ , where you can watch sneak-peek clips from the DVDs. As many of your users have children, I thought this content might interest them (just in time for the holidays!).
I would appreciate if you could help spread the word about the release. You can get your own Pet Alien banners to place on your site here: www.buzztone.com/fox/petalien/hostme.asp . Every day over the next 15 days, we will randomly choose a webmaster that is hosting a Pet Alien banner on their site to win a copy of one of the DVDs!
If you can put something up, please send me a link to where the banner is located and your mailing address so I can send you the prizing.
Oh boy! An opportunity to whore out my blog for a chance to win a DVD they can’t give away! And just in time for the holidays!
Technorati Tags: andertoons, mailbox, email