The State of the Strip

Thanks to Daku and Zampzon over at Digital Strips for the heads up on NPR’s recent look at contemporary comic strips and their creators.

(Look for “Strip Down?” about five down…)

Darby Conley, Hilary Price, Stephan Pastis and Patrick McDonnell chime in on older strips, the threat/promise of the internet and more.

It’s a great 7 minutes and 27 seconds for any comics fan.

(Thanks too to Ted Goff for the heads up on Digital Strips!)

I’m confused…

I read this article three times, and to be honest I’m still not completely sure what Ms. Brodeur is trying to get across here…

She asks “…why do we insist on seeing [cartoons] as human, capable of dismantling our belief systems and sullying our children like melted chocolate on their Easter finery?”

But we never really get an answer. The closest we get is Washington Post Style writer Hank Stuever’s “maybe cartoon characters create mythology. You apply life lessons and hidden meanings to them.”

Um… OK.

I think what she’s trying to discuss is how the current gay cartoon scare affects the reality of cartoon characters. But it’s never really spelled out to my satisfaction.

Not a big deal, I know. But it’s my blog and I’ll complain if I want to.

Cartoons in Superbowl Ads

OK, the whole “priceless” thing for Mastercard has been tired for years, but I did enjoy seeing the spokestoons (is that a word?) all together for dinner.

And it was good to see Underdog again!

Other faves includes the Tabasco bikini ad (I’m a huge Tabasco fan, and hey, who doesn’t like bikinis?), the Emerald nuts spot, and the Fed-Ex Burt Reynolds/bear dancing one.

Check them all out here!

(Hated the Ford Mustang ad, but kudos for the Fargo vibe.)

Posted in TV