Dave Kellett – Inside the Cartoonist’s Studio

Well, it’s Monday. And Monday means a brand new Inside the Cartoonist’s Studio!

This week Dave Kellett of Sheldon graces us with his answers! Here goes…

1) If you were to cast a movie entirely with cartoon characters, what movie would it be and who would star in it?

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, casted by the Family Circus gang. I just want to hear Billy scream “KHaaaaaAAAaaaan!”

2) You’re a syndicate editor launching a new comic strip. What’s the worst possible title you can think of?

Lil’ Stalin & Lil’ Trotsky

3) A light bulb over a cartoon’s head signifies an idea, while a string of random characters denotes swearing. Invent a new cartooning icon and what it means.

Using the pound symbol when someone really gets clobbered. #!

Thanks Dave! Or should I say DaaaaaAAAAaaaaaAVVVvvve!!!

Make sure you check out his wonderful strip, Sheldon!

Y’all come back Monday, y’hear!